Message from the Pastor 30/12/2018
Time for saying good bye to 2018 is finally here, it is time for
many people to have rest and/or go away due to long holidays.
I would like to suggest all Christian fellows to take a bit of
time to sit down think about what happened as well as what
you had done in 2018, and write important things such as
good experiences but not limited to blessings if it is possible
to do so. Then take your time to pray to and thanks God for
His Love and Grace that He has given you through the year
2018 that is about to go by to emphasize you not to forget
good deeds God does for you and then pray for your life track
and target of 2019. Praying for your 2019 may need to do it
repeatedly as it is an important activity and really impact on
preparation to step into this New Year. Sadly, there are many
people don’t see this activity is necessary but spending their
time on partying and/or go away then get back to work as
normal without any new target for new year. Target that we
aim is important for Christian life (Philippians 3:14) If you sit
down and think about what had you done through the old year
then pray for your track and target for new year during saying
good bye to old year and welcoming new year happily with
God closely, you will be truly blessed and your life will get
better and better.