Message from the Pastor 16/12/2018
Editing sins in lifestyle is really too difficult for humans to do
due to mindset and ability. Most of them understand doing
good things is necessity in order to wipe away sins for the
purpose of reducing punishment on the day of judge but
nobody knows how much good they have to do to wipe away
all sins. Bible said good in term of humans is a dirty cloth in
the Eyes of God (Isaiah 64:6). There is no way humans build
their own righteousness to conquer the power of sins and be
accepted by God so trying to win over the power of sins by
doing good things is like a road end. Said Proverbs 14:12,
“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads
to death.” As everything humans try to conquer sins is road
end, God prepared this for humans by sending Jesus Christ to
this world to give all of us a chance to be free from sins by
donating his life on the Cross for our sins. Jesus is an only
person who can forgive us, He said via John(14:16), “ And I
will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to
help you and be with you forever.” Therefore, everywhere in
the world celebrate the day Jesus was born in this world as He
was born to recue humans from rescue as result of sins. Please
share your relative and friend this truth for this Christmas!